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Death-Metal and keyboards?! Since 2008, it's the turn of DESPISE & CONQUER to adopt the legacy of bands like Nocturnus. Rolling Death-/Thrash riffs meet atmospheric keyboards.

The musical background of their former bands and the different musical tastes of every single band member create a unique and explosive mixture. In 2009 the band releases its first EP: three first class tracks, that go right into the listeners ears... to stay there!

The thrashers do a great live job, playing a lot of club- and bigger gigs. One highlight was a support slot for GWAR in Germany/Zeche Carl. The concertgoers review: "These guys are musically awesome, a must-see!". The press titles: "Live they are a real grenade!".

Release date of their debut album INVASION, mastered by Dan Swanö, was March 31st, 2012. It earns the band excellent reviews and appreciation. The title track is available for free download on

Press for INVASION

“Death-Metal has to sound like INVASION!” – (9 out of 10 points)

"We are talking about a self-produced album, that makes a lot of label releases look lame!" – (8 out of 10 points)

"The band writes good songs, has perfect skills, and released a CD that is also visually completely convincing. Remind yourself, that INVASION is the first official long player. With such a high standard, future releases will have the absolute wow-effect!" – Legacy magazine Nr. 78 (12 out of 15 points)


Udo Erwig – vocals
Mario Bergermann – guitar
Daniel Stöckner – guitar
Andre Saborowski – bass, vocals
Meik Bartnick – drums


Daniel: +49 173 544 3110
Andre: +49 178 459 8834
Udo, Daniel, Mario, Andre, Meik
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